Best Hospital In Siliguri: The Best Way To Fight Sugar Cravings To Protect Our Teeth


Sugar consumption has a negative impact not only on oral health, but our entire health as well as per the best dental surgery hospital siliguri. Plaque, cavities, and tooth erosion are caused by constant sugar consumption. Our mouths are constantly filled with bacteria. In the process of consuming sugar, some of it remains in our mouth, where bacteria use it as a fast source of energy. Sugar is broken down by bacteria and acid is produced, which consumes the enamel of your teeth and results in cavities.

Control Our Sweet Tooth Cravings for Better Oral Health:

Most individuals find it difficult to reduce the amount of sugar in their meal plans. It has been known for some time that sugar has the same addictive properties as smoking, drinking alcohol, etc. You can satisfy your sweet tooth in a healthy way if you follow a few measures. Here are some tips for curbing your sweet tooth and protecting your teeth by the best hospital in siliguri.

Drink Water And Remain Hydrated

It is possible for our bodies to confuse thirst for hunger, causing us to believe we are hungry when we are thirsty. Consider sipping some water when you have a craving and waiting a few minutes to determine whether it was thirst or craving. Replace the urge with a nutritious meal or a sweet snack if it persists. Even if you cannot brush immediately after eating, drinking water boosts saliva production and prevents sugar from sticking to your teeth. So the bacteria that eat sugar and destroy enamel are washed away. Cavities can be prevented in this way.

Ignore It

We tend to crave sugary foods and snacks when we are bored. Simply walk away from the chocolate or sweet dish at the front desk if you are tempted. You will be able to control your mind and body, resulting in a strong and disciplined individual.

Bottom Line:

According to the specialists from the best hospital in siliguri despite appearing not to be sweet, processed foods can contain hidden sugars. Sauces are a good example of this. Read labels and choose wisely.




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